Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Art Direction from the boy

Welp, last night was "lets rip apart your drawings" night. Meaning my boyfriend (who holds a degree in animation and is a professional artist) picks apart when I am doing wrong drawing by drawing. I kills the ego, but it is very helpful.

Here is an example of some of the corrections he made.

He gave me some tutorials on how to make hands and feet not look so darn flat. (Like how they are in that drawing.)

 He gave me the advice "When in doubt, block it out.". Meaning reduce everything to it's base geometric shapes (in this case, the fingers can be 3d rectangles.) I also looked up some Dynamic Hand Drawing by Burne Hogarth. (His books are excellent, I recommend them!)

This isn't great by any means, but I can at least see that I'm beginning to "get" how to make a hand look more 3d and "real".

I still have a long, long way to go. -_-

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